Thursday 24 November 2011

Fish, Food and Films

F is a fun word.

So yes my Fish/Ocean Mythology project is coming along quite swimmingly (pun intended :D )I've been looking at different artist/animators styles to experiment with. I took a look at Tim Burton with a creepy Angler fish since. Well the majority of Burton's work is creepy. Wonderfully creepy

He's Called Milton <3

Speaking of fish, we now come to FOOD. Yay the second F.

I am absolutely starving, and dinner isnt until several more hours.

You all just needed to know that little fun fact.

So to pass the time I've been watching... thats right 8D FIIILMS. Speaking of that one though X-Men First Class, I was really hesitant on seeing that film. Mainly because of the poor quality of the X-Men films. *cough*last stand*cough* but I have to say. Wow. Fantastic directing, casting and just,... overall love everywhere. Team Magneto/sexappeal for the win!

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Winter Illnesses.

Why is it that a vast majority of people seem to fall ill during thr winter months? I thought that cold air was sopposed to be good for you gosh darnit! That and it's supposed to do something with germs, terminate them or explode them invisibly without special effects I believe.

I am just tired of the winter blues, over the weekend my voice was going and now I am in the midst of a persistant nasty cough. You know the kind that makes you feel like the inside of your chest is bleeding and being squeezed through a tiny tube? no? oh must just be me then.

In other news I can feel the sluggish anti-motivation/procrationation coming on. The high that I was feeling over the last week with this project is running insanely low which is slightly worrying but not too much. I am absolutely determined to get the top marks that I can for this project or else heads and expensive art supplies are going to roll over hot coal before being chewed out and spit on.

What a nice visual.

Happy Tuesdays!

Saturday 19 November 2011

November Flu

Am I regretting not getting the flu vaccination?


But it was inevedible, every year without fail voice = gone, nose= Rouldoph, ears =ringing and so on and so forth. However what it does mean is all the Ben and Jerry's icream that I want. XD


Thursday 17 November 2011


They are always good to see, weather it's as simple as getting more orginized and managing your time better. Learning something new. Or in my own personal case, with your artwork. I've been seeing it here and there lately and it brings a slight smug smile to my face XD.

Hey smugness and cockiness is allowed in small dosages... I think.

This was done several months ago it was my first official digital 'painting' and at the time I was exceptionaly pleased, proud and some other P word. However with our latest project in which I am looking at Ocean Mythology I attempted another painterly fish. The result this time is much more impressive.

This one I did the other night and as you may or may not see there are a few slight, nothing major improvements. XD. I just feel oddly happy or any other positive feelings. Let us just hope that it presses on!

.. Why can't it be dinner time I am far too hungry for my own good.

Tuesday 15 November 2011


Some People handle stress in different ways.

Some eat their worries away, some procrastinate with everything. Others fight, hurt themselves and whatnot. Basic and obvious principle is that everyone handles things in different ways. At the minute my nerves are shot and all over the place. Primarially because my younger brother has to get an operation today with about 2 days notice.

In saying that though he needs the procedure done, however as a 6 year old getting a risky procedure.. I can't help but worry. I'm an older insane sister afterall it's my job to worry. A full time low pay job with very few health benifits -3-.

The point of this little 'vent'  is mainly to distract me from my worries and scares until it's time for me to go to college where I know my delightful friends will further distract me and I shall hopefully get through the day.


Sunday 13 November 2011

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock!

I wish I had discovered the Big Bang Theory ages ago XD. The writers of that show are creative genius'.
Shelldon is the new love of my life. Or idol. Either way I will forever more play wii sports participating more as nintendo can only take us so far!.

Anyhow, 6 weeks to christmas. It doesnt feel like that. At all. I'm not a scrooge, not by any means but GAWD! I hate the fact that everywhere you go christmas songs are playing on the radio, In shopping centers tree's are up and santa's cousins Gerald and Danny are out taking orders. Then theres the decorations and christmas lights up on the town.


No my friend, No my buddy.

It is November. That is a miserable enough month without the world shoving christmas down my throat. =_=.

Christmas, I do love it, but I dont love the commercial aspects of it. I miss being a child and christmas was about snowballing your brother within an inch of his life. Praying it would snow so hard that school would be canceled, being extra good and helpful just so you could ensure that playstation from Santa. Now.. well I suppose it's always had commerical parts but you seem to notice them more as an adult :/. Oh how I wish to be Peter Pan <3.

I still havnet a notion on what I want, nor have I started to buy gifts yet. (You need money for those sorts of things). I suppose I have another few weeks yet for that until the world caves in with the terror that is christmas shoppers who believe that there is going to be some sort of famine going on and must buy anything and everything to survive the winter zombie apocolypse... mmm Ice Zombies.. not a bad idea. XD

Saturday 12 November 2011

Mwahaha money money money money!

I need to stop watching Toy Story.

I had originaly thought that today I would be ranting and raving about the fact that when you trade in games, dvds, CD's etc you get a laughable amount of money for them.

However today when trading in my used boxsets, PC games, some dvd's etc. I got a decent amount of money and chatted for a full 10 minutes with the checkout guy. He was wearing a TMNT t-shirt and was LOLing at my ancient TMNT dvds. I dont think they get lots of them traded in XD.

anyhow my first dilema occured when I got my money and saw several sims 3 expansion packs. But no Sims 3 on it's own -3-. Ahh dilemmas in life.

Friday 11 November 2011

Doctors and Nurses and Test's oh my!

The medical field is a funny thing.

Not so much 'ha-ha' funny, more like... strange. Funny. Maybe?

For someone who has to make frequent clinical trips, blood tests, and appointments. It's a disppointment. I've been going to the same doctor for the past... let's say 4 months about medical issues, problems and medication dosages. And quite honestly this doctor has had me going in complete circles with everything. Making me get progressively worse and worse.

Today an appointment was made for me to see a different doctor. I'll be honest, my hopes weren't high. But the outcome? wow. I'm not saying that it's good news. Hardley, with me the news is never good. But progress was made.

And sure I've had to get 6 blood capsules taken and may be light-headed, dizzy, weak and pale and the thought of food makes me want to throw up. Although the positives.. slightly balance out the negatives which is a some what relief.

Am I ever going to see my old doctor again.

Hells to the no!.

Am I going to continue to doubt the medical service?

but of course =D.

The funny thing though, with this specific clinic. The doctors, all but one are incompetant neandrathalls. The nursing staff on the other hand. Are all lovely, absolute dolls!. The nurse who took my blood chatted away to me about Kung Fu Panda 2, whilst the other one's got me some water and walked out with me again to make sure that I didnt collapse and suffocate a small child or animal...

The tests should be back in 3 weeks, and for once I have a doctor who said 'the second those results come back, make an appointment to see me and we'll go through any medical changes' Not one who said 'yeah. Go get tests done... they'll sort something out.. maybe.'
Anyway now For Kung Fu Panda and sleep.

Thursday 10 November 2011

Chinese With a Side Order of Procrastination

There’s a cereal killer going around (see what I did there :D)

it’s been destroying the lives of students since the beginning of time, taking them from within. A demon worthy to be listed next to The Hell Hounds and His Royal Lord Richard. Yes you know it, I myself most definitely know it.

The destroyer of Students and working class citizens everywhere.

I have come to realise just how bad of a procrastinator I am XD. Quite horrendous to be honest, I am far too easily distracted by the internet and all of it’s glory. It’s such a slut. A good and well paid slut mind you, but still a whore nonetheless.


I am absolutely swimming with ideas but feel that I can’t do anything about it as there is still so much that I still have yet to get done, so why; one may wonder. Is Shauna wasting time making her blogs that have no productive manner whatsoever and only serve to commune her erratic and random thoughts?.. Your guess is as good as mine. =)
However it is Thursday which means that for myself at least, it is the beginning of the weekend, yay, cheers, and other positive outbursts. What this should mean is studying, drawing, typing up essays and whatnot. What it will most likely mean will be sitting on my behind watching tv and getting Chinese take aways… sweet and sour Cantonese chicken with fried rice and prawn crackers anyone?.

Now I’ve gone and made myself hungry.


Onwards to the fridge it seems!

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Glen Keane books Anyone?

Ah My idol, my hero, my... something meaningful and thoughtful perhaps.

In the middle of working through our latest college assignment I have come to realise that if my collection of 10 or so art related books are not enough for me. I must own an animation book. Or a book created by an Animator. (Animation For Dummies) would also be appreciated XD.

Glen Keane. I have looked up to him for many, many, many years. Since I first saw The Little Mermaid and wanted to be a fish. But those days are gone, I have matured and grown.. And now wish to be an actual Mermaid. Breathing and Living underwater with the ability to have your way with men and go nom noms? ah, thank you ;).

But my mythical career goals aside, I do want a book, even if it is his failed sketches which he stamped, chewed and spat on. I would frame it and put it on my wall. Complete with little stickers and perhaps a Rio Poster of some sort.

It's times like these where I wish we weren't in the midst of an economic crisis, or if I had a job of some discription. But alas not only am I underqualified I have complete lack of time to apply for a part-time job. XD Lucky me huh?

A conversation with my mum got my attention today, we were discussing several of my cousins, two brothers and a sister. The daughter Gemma is currently in Australia, living 5 minutes from the beach and near where she works. The 2nd Eldest brother Martin after finishing university within a week got offered a social working job in Boston and currently lives there. And finally the eldest Kevin was going to go to Tazmania, Australia but at the last minute got offered a PHD in France.

Keep in mind these cousins of mine live even more in the middle of nowhere than I do. And thay my lovlies is saying something.

The difference though, between myself and my cousins. Is that whilst I was (And still am) cuddled and snuggled by my mum.Their aunt told them where to shove it and to stop sitting on their arses and get jobs (lovingly of course XD)

sounds slightly harsh I am aware but you can't deny the results of tough love.

Golly gee my thoughts seem to wonder, not that any of you mind I think. If anything it's entertaining.

Speaking of entertaining I really want to go on Masterchef. Not to cook. GOD no, unless you want burnt water. I want to eat their food, because dear lord.. It makes me so very hungry. You also know that once the camera's are off the judges and main chefs go 'OH MAH LAWD FINA-LEEE' *GORGES*

I am on to you food television, so very on to you.

Until Next blogging ie. When Shauna get's stuck on a thought.


Thanks to a certain individual who shall (for the moment at least) will remain unnamed. I am joining the bandwagon of the Blogging community.

Why you ask or have already potentially clicked out of my page and no longer care.

I ramble, I like to collect thoughts and put them down. Usually the 'downing' is in my head where the collecting gets digested and replaced with questions of 'what's for dinner?' or 'OH GOD IS THAT A SPIDER KILL IT! KILLIT TO IT'S DEAD'
(to any spiders reading this, my most sincere and heart filled apologies. But I hate you. I hate you and want you to die a painful death. So no hard feelings I hope?)

So it is here that my thoughts, opinions, shameless advertising shall go. Hopefully it will bring along some chuckles. The likely outcome however is most likely head shaking and bleeching of the eyes. If that is the case, do use the stronger stuff. If you're going to do something, might as well do it right ;).

So to all of you I say hello, greetings, whazzup or giggidy.