Wednesday 11 January 2012

Mermaid Concepts.

Just to keep things flowing, or floating.. as it were.

I know I'm absolutely hysterical 8D.

Here are a couple of examples of my final mermaid concepts for my ocean mythology project

This concept was based on the Stingray fish and the Angler fish.
I know, she is so hot it melts your insides, it doesnt suprise me. She's a man eater in every literall sense of the world

This one on the other hand is a little... brighter, however when you think about it you get a more painfull death. XD really you get choked with the tentacles whilst being electracuted, swallowed whole then melted and dissolved by acid.


Thursday 5 January 2012

Photoshop is Back.

Back and badder than ever.

So bad in fact I have to re-practice my movements with the bloody graphics tablet. CS4 is apparently very sensitive <3 I both love and hate it. Mostly love though, it is bloody irresistable.

College is back on monday and I am quite stoked to be going back to the life of stress, caffiene addiction (not on my part) and mess. I miss it, the hecticness of the student's life. Home is far too normal and dull.

So hopefully sometime next week I will be able to upload concept sketches of some of my mermaid designs.

Wont that be exciting!

Sunday 1 January 2012

New Year, New Start

Woah. The last month and a half has been a busy time for me.

I apologise first and foremost for letting this blogger become like an uninhabited shipwreck, however that will soon change since I intend to be back and with a big impressive bang to boot!.


so yes 2012 is here, big things this year, graduating, moving out, operations and much more.

This year is going to be big. I can feel it =D