Friday 10 February 2012

Life Drawing

As bizzare as it sounds life drawing is one of my favourite classes, I enjoy studying and looking at the human body and find it really interesting. Over the past few weeks I've discovered that using watercolour and indian ink together creates a really nice illustrative look.

So here are a few samples of my studies

Wednesday 8 February 2012

No excuses

I'm not doing so great in upholding updating this blog resolution I made XD. Oh well, the solution would be not to promise to create constant updates and just 'go with the flow' as it was.  I am currently in the midst of our next project, when I say midst I mean that it ends next week and I am not near completion which can cause a slight panic... though I am trying not to panic.

Trying to be the key word.

8D Prepare for a spam of update photo's paintings and whatnot.