Tuesday 21 August 2012

Art Trades

Just a small update to show off some recent Art Trades I did over in Deviantart

Saturday 11 August 2012

Leg Pains

I’ve noticed that life has a tendency to be very unpredictable at times, it was a small little realisation yesterday. Basically I had to go down to the off liscence with my mum, because having children is like having your own personal slaves to carry the heavy stuff. (Frankly I hear it’s one of the privilages of having children :D)

Basically we’re leaving the place, I’m carrying a few bottles of wine and like that I fall. I tripped down a few steps, slammed down onto the pavement landing on my knee and going over on my ankle.

My first thought was oww.

dear god OWWW.

I’m clumsy, but I’m not accident prone, I’m not one who usually falls or trips that often. Upon occasion sure  but nonetheless it was scary, a fragile little feeling that I could have seriously done some damage, and damage is not something I can afford right now.

My knee is okay for those who are wondering XD.

But it was an interesting thought, I do so much around this house. Quite literally the superglue that holds the family together, If my stickiness meets an acid that… unsticks it? Well.. damn, there would be a spot of trouble.

Then again this could all be the philosophical ramblings of taking a strong painkiller XD.

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Art Dump!

To make up for my hiatus/leave of abscence/dropping off the face of the planet, have a collective art dump of what I have been working on and keeping busy, and with the once again promise that I will at least update (or try to) once a week ^^

feel free to kick my ass if I fail XD
These characters are from a project I am working on called Apartment 13, an ongoing and still in development story which is (in my own biased opinion) pretty damn awesome. The two characters you see are siblings, Claire and Charlie Kelly and are more opposite than Michael Bay and Movies without explosives.... :D

Feel Free to enjoy and point out my flaws <3

Thursday 31 May 2012

The Pomegranate Seeds

A follow up of illustrations that tell the tale of Hades and Perephone

Friday 30 March 2012

More Greek Mythology?

Anyone? no?

oh well.

Have Zeus and Eris in a slightly more realisticish style which I think works quite well 

Friday 23 March 2012

Greek Mythology

Here we have some character concepts for Zeus and Medusa, enjoy!

I do quite enjoy medusa the most I admit XD

Friday 10 February 2012

Life Drawing

As bizzare as it sounds life drawing is one of my favourite classes, I enjoy studying and looking at the human body and find it really interesting. Over the past few weeks I've discovered that using watercolour and indian ink together creates a really nice illustrative look.

So here are a few samples of my studies

Wednesday 8 February 2012

No excuses

I'm not doing so great in upholding updating this blog resolution I made XD. Oh well, the solution would be not to promise to create constant updates and just 'go with the flow' as it was.  I am currently in the midst of our next project, when I say midst I mean that it ends next week and I am not near completion which can cause a slight panic... though I am trying not to panic.

Trying to be the key word.

8D Prepare for a spam of update photo's paintings and whatnot.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Mermaid Concepts.

Just to keep things flowing, or floating.. as it were.

I know I'm absolutely hysterical 8D.

Here are a couple of examples of my final mermaid concepts for my ocean mythology project

This concept was based on the Stingray fish and the Angler fish.
I know, she is so hot it melts your insides, it doesnt suprise me. She's a man eater in every literall sense of the world

This one on the other hand is a little... brighter, however when you think about it you get a more painfull death. XD really you get choked with the tentacles whilst being electracuted, swallowed whole then melted and dissolved by acid.


Thursday 5 January 2012

Photoshop is Back.

Back and badder than ever.

So bad in fact I have to re-practice my movements with the bloody graphics tablet. CS4 is apparently very sensitive <3 I both love and hate it. Mostly love though, it is bloody irresistable.

College is back on monday and I am quite stoked to be going back to the life of stress, caffiene addiction (not on my part) and mess. I miss it, the hecticness of the student's life. Home is far too normal and dull.

So hopefully sometime next week I will be able to upload concept sketches of some of my mermaid designs.

Wont that be exciting!

Sunday 1 January 2012

New Year, New Start

Woah. The last month and a half has been a busy time for me.

I apologise first and foremost for letting this blogger become like an uninhabited shipwreck, however that will soon change since I intend to be back and with a big impressive bang to boot!.


so yes 2012 is here, big things this year, graduating, moving out, operations and much more.

This year is going to be big. I can feel it =D